It was sheer joy and shock to Jeff and I when we discovered that we were pregnant with Alden in Jan 2010. After a few issues and surgeries, we were grateful that becoming pregnant was easy for us.
Here's a picture of the corner of our bedroom where you live!
My pregnancy with Alden was pretty normal and I can't really complain. I had the typical nausea and and heartburn as I did with Loch. The only thing that I really missed out on was enjoying my pregnancy and getting to know my baby as it grew inside me. I was so busy with work and Loch and Jeff had just gotten his job with Huawei, I really had no time to focus on myself. I'm sure that's normal though. In all, I gained about 21 pounds up to her delivery.
Here are a few pics of me during my pregnancy...
Date night with the Hubbs! 38 weeks pregnant
Here are a few pics of me during my pregnancy...
Wasaga Beach July 2010 7 mos pregnant
Music Festival at Riverside Park Summer 2010
One day after church with Loch...
Loch's 3rd Birthday weekend...May 2010
Drew and Shelley's wedding July 2010
Date night with the Hubbs! 38 weeks pregnant
Main Beach in Goderich at Sunset
Summer 2010
My view of 38 weeks...
Hangin' "out"
Hangin' on...
The Delivery!
Dr Samantha Anderson and Lisa Holt were the ladies who helped to bring my children into the world. Without them, my experience would be very different. They are wonderful at what they do and "IF" there's a 3rd child, they will be part of that as well. Lisa and Dr Anderson became part of our family during my pregnancies!

Here's Dr Anderson, She delivered Loch and Alden!

This is Lisa Holt, the midwife. I saw Lisa for most of my appointments!
Theses two women are amazing and helped me through the most miraculous times in our life! Thank you Ladies!!!
Dr Samantha Anderson and Lisa Holt were the ladies who helped to bring my children into the world. Without them, my experience would be very different. They are wonderful at what they do and "IF" there's a 3rd child, they will be part of that as well. Lisa and Dr Anderson became part of our family during my pregnancies!
Here's Dr Anderson, She delivered Loch and Alden!
This is Lisa Holt, the midwife. I saw Lisa for most of my appointments!
Theses two women are amazing and helped me through the most miraculous times in our life! Thank you Ladies!!!
Alden arrived via c-section on October 11, 2010 at 11:53 am. I assumed that my experience would be similar to the first, but no. It was very different!
As before, Brenda and David were here, this time to take care of Loch. Jeff and I were up bright and early, eager to get to the hospital to get things rolling. Click here to see our morning thoughts before going to the hospital!
During pre-op, the nurse has difficulty once again finding a "good" vein and busted 2 in my hand and couldn't find one in my other...after being stabbed for about 20 minutes, they found a ripe blue vein in my wrist (comfortable? NO!) to begin my IV. I was NERVOUS...I knew what was going to happen to me this time! All I wanted was some Valium or something to settle me down and they told me that I couldn't have it! Oh, by the way, the entire time that all of this is going on, Jeff is working on his computer, wheeling and dealing, totally oblivious to my freak-out! Just as well I guess!
So finally the anesthesiologist arrives about 30 minutes before my surgery...I was most scared about the epidural, but that ended up being pretty easy! The nurse who was with me throughout the delivery arrived with a bucket full of ice and began the numbness test on me. From my feet to my chest...testing out when I'd be ready to go! In went the catheter, Jeff put on his monkey suit and out I rolled! However, before that, when the epidural really kicked in, I had a reaction to the drug and the tremors started. I was shaking and chattering my teeth uncontrollably! It was terrible! I had NO control over my body and felt like an idiot, writhing and shaking all over the bed.
So it's GO TIME! My surgery is scheduled for 11am. Dr Anderson should be waiting in there all scrubbed up right? hmmmmmm...not! I was on the operation table, staring directly at a clock on the wall, all of the nurses and surgical assistants and standing around, I'm shaking like crazy and wondering where in the hell she is! I started to worry that my epidural was going to wear off! SERIOUSLY! Well, she finally arrived at 11:25 or something...I was pretty much delirious and nervous and just wanted her to get this baby out of me!
The nurse was sitting by my side, and had heaters on my arms to keep me warm. Jeff was on the other side of me with the camera and wanted to watch the entire procedure! Funny though, I thought for a moment that the heaters on my arms where getting a little hot and I started to smell something burning...ya, that wasn't the was my flesh as they were cutting in to me!!!!
Delivering Alden actually took a lot longer than Loch. Dr Anderson said that I had a lot of scar tissue and she needed to take care of that, along with the bleeding (that I saw splatter a few times)! As I laid there, all I could think about was hearing her cry...finally, I heard it!
And well, so did the entire hospital I think! Wow, this little girl had quite the set of lungs on her! I was overjoyed and overcome with emotion as I heard her and everyone in the room ooohhh and aaahhh when she arrived! I prayed and thanked God for the miracle that was given to our family with tears rolling down the sides of my face...Jeff wiped them away and kissed me. Then I met my baby girl...
And well, so did the entire hospital I think! Wow, this little girl had quite the set of lungs on her! I was overjoyed and overcome with emotion as I heard her and everyone in the room ooohhh and aaahhh when she arrived! I prayed and thanked God for the miracle that was given to our family with tears rolling down the sides of my face...Jeff wiped them away and kissed me. Then I met my baby girl...