It's Halloween night and Loch is all tucked in his bed while the doorbell is still ringing with trick-or-treaters. I was extra prepared this year for Halloween and ordered his costume ahead of time online. It seemed that we talked about what he was going to dress as for about 2 months! Seriously, it doesn't need to be that difficult! Last year we put him in a little pumpkin outfit from his Aunt Tammie and a hand-me-down Pea in the Pod outfit from Jill. It was much more simple when he was a "baby".

Halloween 2008 brought excitement in knowing that Loch would actually be able to collect candy, run around with excitement and maybe even eat some of his treats! First, we had to think of a costume: pirate?, fireman?, cute lion?, bam-bam????? AARRRRUUUGGHHHH! And then we needed to create a "theme" since he'd be trick-or-treating with his friend Ava. They OBVIOUSLY had to go as a couple! Peter Pan and Tinker-Bell was the final costume decision!

We had a great time at Trunk-or-Treat at our church. It was a nice introduction to the craziness of this holiday since we were only in a parking lot and the kids were able to wander from car to car. Our trunk was decorated for the occasion with pumpkins, fall flowers, spider webs and even a bloody hand or two. The kids were WILD and had a great time randomly zig-zagging all over the place. There were bouncy blow up castles, food and spooky sounds to set the scene!